Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Crush Was Crushed

Why he is soo damn cute ? Why he has the coolest hair? Why she wait for him to enter the classroom ? Why he has the best smile in the world? Why she keeps looking at him?why she notice everything about him ? Why she feels so weird when she see other girls around him ? why he never looks at her like she does?
Why so many questions but no answer ?

Why ?

what a preteen gal should do in all these situations ? ask sum1 ? bt who ?
friends ? she dont have any !
parents ? huh , frgt it

so gal just keep wondering there is no1 to help you ..bwhahahhaha
30 days later !
Some of the Guys were rushing in corridors and some of the girls were running after them
to tie them rakhi.
Yes , the rakhi celebration was going in the school.
Some of the gals tied rakhi to him [gals with whom she was jealous] also and that girl was still wondering that she also likes him and she should also do the same.
and yes she did it !
she borrowed a rakhi & went to that guy and tied him a rakhi felt good & never felt the same for that guy.
what nxt , story ends !
she crushed her own crush which she realized after 5 yrs and laughed upon her stupidity



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