Friday, January 7, 2011


If i am like a mirror to you ,then why did you break me ?
--Neha Aggarwal

Its not complicated ,it just does not exist anymore !
--Neha Aggarwal

Separtion is easy, but what about the memories ?
--Neha Aggarwal

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


You. made me

Your tenderness
Your feel
Your words ----Our play fullness
Your love

Why suddenly,
Everything disappeared
Burned up,

Now sadden
Now silence
Now lost ----My desolation
Now disheartened

Nothing is left
My soul is DEAD !!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

WHY ??

I feel like I'm sinking.
When my feets are on the ground?
I feel like I'm dying.
When I still hear my heart's sound?
I feel like I'm falling.
When I haven't moved at all?
I feel like I'm weeping.
When I don’t see any tears fall?
I feel like I'm on fire.
When my body does not burn?
I feel so alone.
When there are people wherever I turn?
I feel trapped.
When I see no cage?
I feel like an empty book.
When I can read every page?
I feel lost.
When I know exactly where I stand?
I feel so weak.
When I’m supposed to be in command?
I feel like such a bitch.
When my heart tells me that I’m not?
I feel like everything’s so cold.
When the temperature is hot?
I feel so hateful.
When I’ve loved the world before?
I cut myself inside.
When I hate to see the blood pour?
I suddenly want to hurt people.
When I know they have no defense.
I want to be alone.
When I really want a friend?
I make my wounds larger.
When my heart wants them to mend?
I kill myself from the inside.
When I know that people care?
I rip myself to shreds.
When I don’t want to despair?
I lose hope..
When I want to keep on going?


My body is numb.
My mind is sore.
I can’t take the pain.

Anymore !!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


***Knocked the fairies gate,
Pink creamy chocolate sky,
Passing through the walls of Black Roses
Stars enjoying Lolly pops,
Moon and sun playing cards,
Trees are busy with there make up box ,
River dancing with wind
Butterflies playing guitar
stones kissing themselves
Ice jumping on silver bed

I just entered this Fairyland

DO,you want to enter My wonderland ??
? *

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Crush Was Crushed

Why he is soo damn cute ? Why he has the coolest hair? Why she wait for him to enter the classroom ? Why he has the best smile in the world? Why she keeps looking at him?why she notice everything about him ? Why she feels so weird when she see other girls around him ? why he never looks at her like she does?
Why so many questions but no answer ?

Why ?

what a preteen gal should do in all these situations ? ask sum1 ? bt who ?
friends ? she dont have any !
parents ? huh , frgt it

so gal just keep wondering there is no1 to help you ..bwhahahhaha
30 days later !
Some of the Guys were rushing in corridors and some of the girls were running after them
to tie them rakhi.
Yes , the rakhi celebration was going in the school.
Some of the gals tied rakhi to him [gals with whom she was jealous] also and that girl was still wondering that she also likes him and she should also do the same.
and yes she did it !
she borrowed a rakhi & went to that guy and tied him a rakhi felt good & never felt the same for that guy.
what nxt , story ends !
she crushed her own crush which she realized after 5 yrs and laughed upon her stupidity


Monday, March 1, 2010

Wake Up Girl

Vth stndrd
MIss Gandhi & Me
[science class]
Stand up and Tell me what i am teaching in the class Gal
I am talking to you .
Me ??? {Almost Puzzled}
Yes you ? now will you please stand up and tell me.
[ It took me few mins to understand wt ws happening in the class as i ws busy weaving my dreamzzzz.. ]
What were you doing ?
...[lng pause]
i wanted to tell her but
obviously i ws standing like a Dumb
Where 's the book ?
[ silence ]
I , I Frgt my book Mammm
Get out of the class and give me your diary ?
[how cn i get out of the class without giving you diary]
atlst yu could hv shared with your partner ??
[never, how can i share a book with a guy] [as it was more than punishment sitting with a guy that time]

give meee ur diary ??
Mam no mam
*sob sob* stand outside
nd sum of the stupid jerks wre laughing at me
.Saturday P.T.M [parent teacher meeting ]
Mum & Mam
Mum - so hows she doing in class ??
well Mrs.Aggarwal she is very shy and sincere gal.
[mum passed a smile to me]
and she is a quite girl & when it comes to answering the questions she still remains quite .
[this tym dere ws different smile ]
she don't have friends .very weak in studies as you can see her grades
.blah blah blah

i ws still busy with my dreamzzzzzz !

P.S- Dre mst be sum grammiticl mistks becz of my poor english nd sms lang ..Soo try undrstnding !